The Higgs Field & Vacuum Decay Across The Universe
The Higgs Field is a force that exists everywhere in the universe. The Higgs Field is responsible for giving particles their mass. It is also responsible for keeping the universe in its ground state (true vacuum). If the universe is in a metastable vacuum (pretends to be stable but really is not) and the Higgs Field senses this, it could cause a true vacuum collapse. True vacuum collapse is when the Higgs Field tries to get a point in the universe stable or to its ground state. The true vacuum expands in a bubble and destroys everything in its path from existence.
Let’s say the ball is the higgs field. The ball senses that its current state is not a true vacuum. In order for it to get to its true state the ball uses quantum tunneling. (Picture Below). Once the ball (Remember the ball is the Higgs Field) hits the true vacuum level it sends a shockwave of potential energy throughout the whole universe. The potential energy causes the physics in the universe to change. The true vacuum bubble would expand and destroy the universe.
The bubble would keep expanding, devouring everything from existence, and destroying life and chemistry itself. There is no way you could avoid this… unless you were in a higher dimension or an anomaly in the space-time continuum.
In either vacuums a universe could be possible. Another universe could just pop out of thin air within the true vacuum. Here is another way a true vacuum could be formed:
Imagine the universe as a pot and the higgs field and space are hot water. The water is at its boiling point but is not really boiling yet. That means it is in its metastable form. If you could some how generate enough energy it would literally move a piece of space. So it would be like putting a spoon in some water and slightly stirring it. Because of this disturbance the water would boil but in our case it would create a true vacuum and destroy the universe and would continue to expand and would destroy false vacuums in the multiverse.
But remember, this could all be wrong. So it is scary, but because of the infinitely expanding universe, it might never reach us if it did happen.