What are "Dimensions"?
Dimensions are commonly misconstrued as universes different from our own, but dimensions are the ‘measurements’ for lack of a better term. It starts with the zeroth dimension which is just a point it has no length width or depth, we cannot imagine this because no one has ever seen a point like that. The next dimension is the first dimension which is the x-axis, this means that anything in the first dimension can only move in that one direction this would also mean that whatever is there has no y-axis and without that it could not have height. The second dimension is a little easier to understand but not by much, in this dimension anything there would have an x and y axis but no z-axis (which makes up depth) anything there could move in all directions in between the x and y axis (left, right, up, down). The third dimension is the dimension we perceive. It has height (y axis) width (x axis) and depth (z axis) there really is nothing more to explain about this one. The fourth dimension is time. If you were in the fourth dimension you would be able to see every event in our timeline in this universe. The fifth dimension is an infinite amount of universes slightly different from ours. The sixth dimension is where there are an infinite amount of universes that started in the same exact way ours did but are still slightly different. The seventh dimension is where an infinite amount of universes completely different from one another exist.